Remember those child picture 'problems' of 'which one of the following does not belong in the group?' (e.g. with pictures such as of hummingbirds, parrots, eagles, and a parrot fish)....Well, if you go to the, put in your city, any other USA mainland city, and that of St John (USVI, of course...not St John, Nova Scotia, Canada!), I bet it is St John that pops out at you! 83 degrees and sunny just about any day of the week, just about any month of the year! Doesn't that sound refreshing!
Here is a chart showing the Virgin Islands temperature (high, low, and average) over a 30 year period. Doesn't that yellow line (average temperature) look sweet and pretty stuck about 85 degrees.

Come on down, we on St John are always ready to warm your soul!