Tropical Storm Isaac has come & gone & Carlson Construction & their subcontractors are back at work laying rebar & plumbing for our new St John villa swimming pool

We love our plumbers, appropriately named Love City Plumbing:

Jamel (left) and Joseph (right) owner of Love City Plumbing

They were hard at work on Friday, the day after Tropical Storm Isaac passed by St John. Barges, ferries, and airports were still closed but these guys were back at work at Great Expectations!

The week was a productive one even though as of Wednesday just about everyone was running around securing their boats and property in anticipation of

Tropical Storm Isaac

making its appearance.  Luckily, St John was spared since the storm made an unexpected jog to the south and the center of the storm never got closer than 150 miles from us.  No complaints, mind you!  We now hope that Isaac will treat the mainland USA kindly.

The floor of our pool is almost ready for concrete...

Plastic coating and rebar are laid prior to concrete being poured

Joseph now needs to finish his rough plumbing and lay the pool drain prior to the concrete being poured.

The new week starts and the weather looks great!

St John forecast for week of August 27, 2012