team wounded warriors

St John comes together (again) to support a great cause -- and have a bunch of fun at the same time

The turnout was as terrific as the weather
photo thanks to Steve Simonsen

This past Sunday St Johnian's came enforce to support a great cause and have a terrific time. Oppenheimer Beach served as the base for the 2nd (now) Annual St John Chaotic Kayak race. Naturally, as with many St John events, there was music, beer (lots of it!), food, and, yes, kayak races.  

While it was mostly raucous and fun, there was a very serious cause behind the gathering. The event was pulled together to support the Team River Runner (TRR) program which was established to help active duty military personnel wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan, most of whom were recovering at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC.  The goal is to help veterans heal through adaptive kayak experiences.

100% of the funds raised through this event are used to bring wounded veterans and their spouses to St John during November for a one week healing experience. We, who know the beauty and serenity of St John, can appreciate just how healing a wee on St John can be.

Here are some more photos by the phenomenal St John photo artist and photographer Steve Simonsen:

Serious or not????
The supporters are having fun...
Oh boy! I hope he was not in a kayak!
And, where did you say I put my glass?
And, then there was music!
More photos of the day can be found on the Chaotic Kayak Facebook page. These photos are by another great St John photographer, Yelena Rogers. St Thomas News 2 was also on scene taking video of the day

To donate to - or get involved in the 2013 race with - the Team River Runner program contact St John Chaotic Kayak. Also, think about participating yourself next year.  It would be a great excuse to visit St John! Having fun and doing good is the motto of the St John community.