great expectations st john

What do you do when a guest won't leave your St John Villa?

Steve seems to be living in our new pool

We actually have no complaints and thought it was funny when Steve e-mailed to ask if he and his wife, Carrie, could stay on for a few more days!  Luckily for them we happened to be available this week so we said yes, indeed!
Steve and his wife first stayed at Great Expectations 10 years ago this past week when they were married on St John. At that time they rented Great Expectations for their family and friends - 14 in all. The actual wedding ceremony was at Oppenheimer beach and they had their reception catered by our good friend and fabulous chef Laura Samms, owner of Passion Fruit Chefs
About a year ago Steve reserved Great Expectations for his 10th anniversary.  This time it was to be a surprise for his wife. Carrie thought that she and Steve would be coming to St John for their anniversary to stay at Beau Geste, the Guest House of Great Expectations (as they have several times over the last 10 years).  Well, instead, Steve invited Carrie's siblings (and their spouses) and several of their friends to join them.  It was only along the way, at the airports when Carrie saw one sister and then another, that she realized something was 'up'! But it was not until she arrived at Great Expectations that she realized that Steve had invited 15 friends and family to celebrate with them! Tears - of joy (luckily!) - flowed and a great week was had.  So great that when their family and guests left on Saturday they could not tear themselves away so they stayed on...a happy ending!
Here is an e-mail we received from Carrie on the first morning of their stay:
"I'm sitting alone on the porch, waiting for the sunrise. Still taking in the events of the last 24 hours! I'm shocked at what Steve was able to pull off!  And laughing at your complicity in it all!  You are all sneaky!
Everyone loves GE....The new pool is absolutely amazing, seems like it was always here. Just a perfect addition to an already perfect place. I know we'll have lots if fun stories to share, but I wanted to just thank you and Chuck now for this week and everything you did to make it happen for us.  It's going to be unforgettable!"
Here is a picture Steve took, from where he now apparently lives near our new pool, on what was to be his last morning on St John:
Steve calls this is 'bacon 'n cake' breakfast by new pool
(obviously, all sense and sensibility has left his head!)

And, the vacation continues....

Iggy found a home at our St John Villa

Iggy the Iguana looks ferocious but is actually a scary-cat.

Turns out that Iguanas are quite timid and not to worry they are vegans so won't go after your toes. Want to learn more about iguanas on St John? Check out this webpage about iguanas. This little guy loves the jasmine vein growing by our deck. See if you can find him as he has lunch (eats the leaves from our plant).

Iggy lunching on our plant