The St John Source announced:

Trunk Bay beach will have no admission fee for MLK Day
Virgin Islands National Park will have a free day on Monday, Jan. 17, at Trunk Bay Beach in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. However, fee collectors will be available to dispense passes, according to a press release from Superintendent Mark Hardgrove. Trunk Bay is one of the most visited beaches on St. John, and is home to an underwater trail. People are able to snorkel over the reef, and read the plaques which identify coral and fish along the trail.
The Secretary of the Department of the Interior has declared that ‘Fee Free Days’ include national park sites, wildlife refuges, and certain Bureau of Land Management sites. The intent of the “Fee Free” declaration is to encourage people to enjoy and learn more about the stewardship of national parks and other federal lands.
Virgin Islands National Park/Coral Reef National Monument staff invites the public to join them in celebrating the national parks. This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy national treasures free of charge.
For more information, call Andrea Joseph at 776-6201, ext. 249.