Who could resist the Johnny cakes, pates, & other finger-licking good foods of St John Festival's Food Fair?

St John Tradewinds reports...

Written by Jaime Elliott

Most people tried a bit of many fabulous dishes
(photos courtesy of St John Tradewinds)
Heart pumping good food
Gwendolyn Harley, the 2012 Food Fair honoree, appears with her award winning dolls
Hundreds of people, including Lieutenant Governor Greg Francis and his wife Cheryl, braved the summer heat and packed the Cruz Bay waterfront on Sunday afternoon, June 24, for annual the St. John Festival Food Fair and Coronation. Tents loaded with local delicacies including everything from conch in butter sauce and dove pork to stew mutton and seafood kalallo lined the waterfront street which was closed to traffic for the day.
People of all ages stood in line angling for homemade ginger beer, passionfruit juice and mauby to keep cool while waiting for their meals from the island’s very best cooks who had prepared their best dishes for the annual event. The crowd gathered under sunny skies in Frank Powell Park for the festivities which included musical selections by Love City Pan Dragons and Wrection Band as well as the St. John Festival Royalty Coronation and recognition of this year’s Food Fair honoree Gwendolyn Harley....Today Gwen’s Dolls, as well as a series of island animals like iguanas and donkeys she created, are highly collectible pieces which have won awards across the U.S. and British Virgin Islands.    read complete story and see more photos...
Also, check out the News of St John blog posting and more pictures about the Food Fair.  Fun photo collage. 
If you missed this year's St John Festival Food Fair, promise yourself to be there next year. Start planning your St John trip now!  The entire month of June is a treat but the last week is especially packed with activities with the not-to-be-missed parade (and fireworks) on July 4.