So you think you're a photographer? If you love St John this contest is for you!

This is your chance to promote St John and win $15,000 at the same time!  In partnership with the National Park Foundation, Share the Experience is looking for fabulous photographs of our National Parks. While St John has  a number of absolutely phenomenal photographers (Steve Simonsen, Bob Schleisinger, Yelena Rogers), this contest is only eligible for people who are amateurs in that not more than 20% of your income can be derived from photography.  So, go through your photos and pick out your absolute favorite shots of St John's wonderful beaches and hillsides. 
Here are three photos that have already been submitted all by Kerry Childers (deadline for submission of photos is December 31, 2012 so don't dawdle!):
Jumbie Beach

Solomon beach

Seabird eggs on the beach at Great Lameshur Bay
not the 'nest' of white coral
There are categories for: 
  • Adventure & Outdoor Recreation, 
  • Historical & Cultural, Scenic, 
  • Seasons & Landscapes, 
  • Friends, Family & Fun(ny) and 
  • Wildlife. 

The possibilities are endless! Give it a try and submit your favorite photos of St John!