Great Expectations

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Dog Gone Crazy Over St John

One of the best things that has happened on St John over the last decade or so is the development of the St John Animal Care Center (SJACC) into a real force.  Years ago, dogs and cats (and sundry other critters) would roam free, without proper nutrition, love, or care. 'Dumpster dogs' (and cats) were not uncommon.  These days there is a radical change thanks to this amazing organization. The SJACC is the only 'non-kill' animal shelter in the Caribbean.  They have developed a wonderful adoption program which caught the heart of our family (our daughter and son-in-law adopted a kitty on a recent trip to St John and took her back to California).  They have also worked hard to educate people on St John (the old and young alike) about this importance of caring for our animals, established feral cat feeding stations, and neutering and spaying programs. 
This past weekend the SJACC hosted their Wagapalooza fundraiser which was a grand success. Lots of prizes, food, and fun. And, lots of money raised for this great organization. Assuming that you were not on St John but want to support the SJACC you still can! Elaine Estern, a wonderful St John artist who is also an animal lover designed and volunteered her time and talent to created this year's T-shirt with the above design which were sold at the event this weekend ( e-mail them directly or buy on-line if you would like to buy one of these T-shirts if they haven't yet be sold out!), you can donate directly on-line, send supplies (they are always in need of doggie and kitty treats, volunteer at the shelter when you are on island, and, of course, adopt one of their dogs or cats.  If you cannot adopt but want to help when you are on St John inquire about transporting a pet back to the states. Who can resist a cute puppy or kitty?