Availability Calendar for our rental villa

Great Expectations is a popular St John villa - we recommend planning your trip early!

Our calendar is updated daily and also connects to other online sources. That being said, if the dates you are interested are booked, please contact us to make sure.

  • The minimum stay is one week, but longer is always better!

  • You will be the only ones using the villa (we do not rent unused bedrooms to anyone else).

  • Check-in is at 4PM (to give our hard-working staff the time they need to ready the Villa for you) and check-out out is 10 AM (so that the cleaning staff do not toss you and your clothes into the washing machines along with the linen and towels).

The availability calendar below shows 9 months at a time. To check dates further out, click on the right arrow at the top right of the calendar, or contact us directly. 

We apologize if we are not available for the dates you want; Please call to make sure or find other dates.