Great Expectations

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St John Film Society Presents 'Bag it!' Tuesday, June 5


Directed by Susan Beraza, 78 minutes, documentary

June 5, 2012 @ 7:30 pm / St. John School of the Arts, Cruz Bay

Bag It follows "everyman" Jeb Berrier as he tries to make sense of our dependence on plastic bags. When Jeb discovers that he and his partner are expecting a child, his plastic odyssey becomes a truly personal one. How can they protect their baby from the health dangers associated with plastics? Jeb looks beyond single-use disposable plastics and discovers that virtually everything in modern society – from baby bottles, to sports equipment, to dental sealants, to personal care products – is either made with plastic or contains potentially harmful chemical additives used in the plastic-making process.

The average American uses about 500 plastic bags each year, for about twelve minutes each. This single-use mentality has led to the formation of a floating island of plastic debris in the Pacific Ocean more than twice the size of Texas. The film explores these issues and identifies how our daily reliance on plastic threatens not only waterways and marine life, but human health, too.

Featuring interviews with scientists and experts from around the world, Bag It is a first-person documentary in the style of Michael Moore, asking how we can incorporate healthy, more environmentally friendly practices into our lives, our cultures, and our communities.

Find out more about BAG IT!, the movie here.

Editorial note from Great Expectations: This is a huge issue world-wide but on a little island such as St John this is gigantic! The importance of recycling and using our limited energy in responsible ways cannot be overstated. We encourage all of our guests to recycle and use our precious resources in a responsible way. Some of the ways we try to conserve resources and support St John's resources can be found on the 'green initiatives' page of our website. If you are going to be on St John on June 5, please set aside time to see this important film and at the same time support the St John Film Society and the St John School for the Arts.